We provide solutions to help you live better and safer. Our range of products have been developed to help you cope with the pandemic and it’s aftermath.
We all accept that the pandemic has changed our world. The onset of the new normal will need us to change our behaviour. We need to adopt new ways of living, working and having fun.
With 40% of us showing no symptoms of carrying the COVID-19 virus it is vital that we stop spreading the virus without knowing it, this is especially relevant with new strains of COVID-19 appearing.
We practise what we preach
Wearing a face covering is a small act of consideration towards your community with the added benefit of keeping you safe.
As we learn to live with the Covid pandemic and it’s aftermath we need to take steps to protect ourselves and others around you at work, in crowded spaces and when we are in close proximity to vulnerable people.
Using modern fabrics and a combination of fabric treatments we created the Protecify face coverings. By keeping treated surfaces free of viable viruses and bacteria it helps to minimize the potential for re-transmission of pathogens.
Our Face Coverings can give you added protection when compared to a standard product. In line with WHO guidelines we use 3 separate layers off fabric to protect you. The first layer off fabric is treated with an anti viral technology, the second layer is treated with an anti bacterial technology and the third layer is manufactured from hypoallergenic cotton. This Unique multiple layer construction, filters out harmful particles before they can come into contact with your face and makes our face coverings easy to use.
Our face coverings have significant advantages to other washable fabric or disposable face coverings.
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